For Wix Site Owners, Here's how you set up Video Call to talk to your website visitors:
Video Call App works based on logins you create yourself in the Dashboard of your Wix site. If you go to the Wix dashboard, you’ll see a navigation pane on the left hand side that includes ways to configure the website. On that pane you’ll see Apps in the list, and expanding that you’ll see “MyVideoCaller” as one of the apps you can configure.
Selecting “MyVideoCaller” from the Apps section in your Wix Website’s dashboard will open the configuration screen for Video Call.
- On your Wix Dashboard for “MyVideoCaller”, you can provide an email address for your site visitors to use when you’re not available to take a call.
- On your Wix Dashboard for “MyVideoCaller”, you can also provide up to 3 usernames with passwords to log into the app and be ready to take calls as an operator.
To help you use the app, here’s the overall flow for operators and visitors using this app on your site:
To use the app, you'll need 2 devices. One will be the "operator" who represents someone working for your organization who is authorized to accept calls. These are the operator logins you create in your dashboard. The other device will be the visitor who wants to call you.
- On the first device, on the “MyVideoCaller” page, login using one of the operator logins you created.
- On the first device, enter the waiting room - you're now ready to accept calls.
- On the second device, visit the “MyVideoCaller” page. You'll see that the operator you logged in as is waiting for a call.
- On the second device, select the name to call by clicking or tapping the button on that page.
- On the second device, on the video call screen that appears after selecting their name, press the green "Call" button to initiate the call.
- On the first device, accept the incoming call.